Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Invasion

I'm starting this, uncertain if anyone will ever see it, because I've been told that the stories I've been telling recently are entertaining, and interesting. So I figured if I could pull them together, maybe other people would enjoy them too. But let's see if it actually comes together first.

Basically, the break down is this:
We had a dog I loved dearly for almost 9 years when he passed away last fall. He was fabulous in so many ways, but as he aged, and time took it's toll, being his caretaker became a pretty intense activity. His walking became somewhat labored, so we built ramps for him to be able to get into the yard by himself. His bladder control became much weaker, so we resigned ourselves to multiple accident cleanings per day. His appetite became minimal, so we bought him expensive food, or gave him ours, or made him things specially to keep weight on him. He was up to 4-5 pills per day, and walks that were a fraction of what they used to be.
Taking care of our beloved pooch was almost a full time job. One we took on lovingly, if not always joyfully. Cleaning pee for the 4th time in a day is no one's idea of fun, no matter how much you love the pee-er.

Then one day, our new job was grief, and that too became a full time job for a while. Death is a rough and strange thing. Even when you know it's closer then you'd like, and creeping ever faster, it's still a shock to the system and affects every damn thing you do. Your world lurches, and now you're a new person. I was reeling, and aching for my pal.

A few weeks later, I wanted to spend some time with other dogs, just get my head around the joy of the creatures for a while. Remember how great they can be, and how full of fun. I suggest we go to a very large organized adoption fair one day- get some puppy love time in, and maybe make contact with some rescue organizations that might come in handy in the coming months when we were ready for a new pup again.

Long, involved, emotional story short- we had a dog in the car when we left that day.
it's only been a few weeks, and suddenly there's another one?
But- the reasoning was, this dog was in the highest kill rate shelter in all of LA, and he was past his out date. We were saving him, and were going to attempt to place him. He would become our second successful foster dog. It would be a few weeks at most. We would be heroes.

That's not what happened.

It's been 3+ months and this "foster" is still in my house.
My husband has now bonded with him and wants to keep him forever.
My plans have been shot to hell.
He comes when called with his new name.
He prefers us over other people.
No one responded to the online listings or email pleas for a new home.

I am screwed.

His name is Odie. He is 3 yrs old, and a chihuahua/ Jack russell mix. He can jump over our gate and get loose. He feels the need to mark every new place as his own. He has a bark that could literally burst an eardrum if you let it go on too long. He loves to sleep in my lap under a blanket while I watch the news every morning. He acts as though I have invented dog treats every time I come home from work. He enjoys the dog park, and could spend all day there, socializing with other dogs mostly problem free. He doesn't beg for food while we eat, ever. He likes having his cheeks rubbed when he's sleepy. He poops in the same area of the yard every time, making clean up a ton easier.

He is a mostly wonderful dog who needs a bit more training to be really great, and he has entrenched himself in our house and our lives despite all my intentions to get him out. I still have his listings online, but there has been little to no activity on them, and the reality is sinking in- he most likely will never leave.

I am in an absolute emotional upheaval about this. He's sweet enough, but I was so far from being healed enough to bring another dog into my life. He's not what I wanted when I was ready- at all- so far from it actually that he might as well be a llama. or worse, a Cat.

Now, I have the joy of learning to adapt to this situation with him, and my issues, because I have no other choice in the matter. No good deed goes unpunished, indeed.

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