A couple of weeks ago, as I dozed in the bedroom, and the dogs roamed free in the living room (there's a 20 min overlap of time before I come out where they are allowed free reign of the main area of the house every morning) I suddenly heard a strange noise.
A crackling/popping sound.
It wasn't something I could explain away, so I bolted out of bed and threw open the door.
What to my wondering eyes did appear? But a couple of dogs and a doritos bag just near.
Apparently, SOMEONE (ahem PIPER ahem) had broken into the pantry and liberated a single serving size doritos bag, and they had both taken turns trying to give the individual chips freedom from their cruel enclosure. Oddly, the bag held, and no one got any chips that day. The canines did get a stern talking to, issued a warning, and the pantry doors were shut very firmly.
I had thought lessons were learned all the way around.
When will reality sink in, and I realize lessons are NEVER learned in my house?
Second offense, 4 days ago:
Again, as I dozed for my few minutes of slowly waking up time that I dearly value every day, some hijinks were going on just on the other side of the door. I came out, and there were no dogs waiting for me, as there usually are, which was odd. Then, when they came running over, I noticed something odd on the floor in the corner by the living room. A wrapper?
"What the hell is that?" I pose to the criminals- the small one takes off, the big one hits the floor- a sure indicator something really wrong is going on. I take a few steps forward, get a better look at the main area, and suddenly cartoon style steam is coming out of my ears.
"WHAT THE F--K is this!!!!????"
The living room floor is littered with wrappers of many food items stolen from the (when I glance over and see the kitchen) WIDE OPEN pantry doors. I scream, I throw dogs in crates, I notice.....
All of it, everything that they stole, had some form of chocolate in it. It was quite a few protein bar type things- all had chocolate in it- and a bag of Hershey's kisses. All had been fairly demolished. All wrappers had been shredded, and most likely ingested, as well. it had to have taken several trips from kitchen to living room to get it all there. Premeditation.
Now, in case anyone doesn't know- chocolate contains a chemical ingredient which is toxic to dogs. If your dog gets a hold of a singular chocolate chip- eh, not a big deal, might get sick, might not. Your dog eats an entire chocolate cake on it's own- could be fatal. Our ingestion level was certainly on the smaller end of things, but considering I couldn't tell precise amounts and who had eaten what, I called the vet immediately.
Well, ok, I waited a little while to clean up and call the husband who has had more dogs then me, and look up info online, but basically within 25 minutes I was on with the lovely lady at the vets office. We set up a date to bring the monsters in the moment they opened their doors.
While this was going on, I had Piper doing a small child style sugar high freak out which included tail chasing, charging me and trying to jump in my lap, running around, and barking at herself. Odie on the other hand was just lounging on the couch as if nothing had happened. I was unclear as to which was more disturbing.
I got them to the vet, and we decided they would stay there for the day and get to endure induced vomiting, charcoal feeds, and some long hours of making a mess. According to the Dr- evidence proved they were both guilty parties, and had earned this 'punishment' for their crimes. A full work day, and several hundred dollars later, everyone had a clean system and a nice medication hangover. They were sentenced to time served after that.
I'm not really sure if what some people have said upon hearing this story is true- that the dogs will know now not to do something like that. I honestly these are career criminals- they might slow down for a while, but given the right chance at the right time, they'd do it again in a heartbeat. Vomiting be damned, they sure seemed to be having fun.
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