If you left a mathematics textbook out, and your kid went and took it and used it to learn... would you consider it stealing?
See, the thing there is, they weren't supposed to take it per say, but it didn't hurt them, and might have helped them to do it. So, is it really a crime? Or is it a genius, inadvertent form of reverse psychology?
The story behind these questions goes a little something like this:
This morning, I was taking a shower, as I do every day (but nice try with the stinky kid joke) and the dogs were roaming free, as they do. We've gone a good long while with this arrangement now, and been relatively problem free.
What we've also been doing for a few days now, if using a product called Rescue Remedy to help alleviate some of Piper's stress while there's workmen in the house renovating our kitchen. It is supposed to help calm stress, and is an entirely herbal concoction. I put a little on her treat every morning and then put her in her crate for the day. It seems to have been helping, as she's gotten her voice back after barking herself hoarse for about 2 weeks.
So, these 2 facts add together this morning like this:
I got out of the shower and noticed her box of RR was gone... I went into the living room to find this:
not again!
Damn this dog figures out how to lull me into thinking rules have been established then, BLAMMO, she gets into something.
I go back into the bedroom to discover the bottle in pieces on the floor. The bottle is entirely empty, with NO remains on the floor- it is bone dry. When the elements are put back together, the bottle is a mess, that looks a little like this:

Yep- the squishy bit at the top is entirely gone- down Piper's gullet somehow. The top had been chewed on enough so that it was entirely pulled off. the liquid was gone. Piper was laying right by all this looking unbelievably guilty. After I yelled at her for a minute, she followed me towards the door, then stood staring at the floor for about 2 minutes. It looked like this:
So, basically, My dog got herself good and stoned off herbal stress relievers.
Who does that?
I mean, come ON junkie.... ease up.
I checked with the website for Rescue remedy, and whatever slight concern I had about her getting sick was relieved- you can' t OD on the stuff. Basically it just wasn't going to do much for her.
I give her credit- she'd seen me use it to do something to her treats, and must have figured it out- it has something to do with food. Beyond that the entire event seems ridiculous. I mean, the stuff can't possibly taste that good.
The end result as the day came to a close was Piper had a nice relaxing day, and was gassy as all hell. She seriously was farting wet baby diaper farts all evening. A Charming attribute for everyone involved, to be sure.
But the question becomes- is it really a crime, if she stole something that was ultimately good for her? I mean, she essentially stole and ate a bunch of herbs/ vitamins. The only damage she did is costing me about 10$ and some unfortunate flatulence. I have a hard time finding the energy for a conviction on this one... a stern word or two, some angry glares, and.... Moving on.
We all learned a little something from this- 1) Piper will quite literally eat anything if she thinks it'll be interesting enough. 2) an exceedingly hefty dose of herbal stress relief will really only make you think the floor is talking to you and give you gas. And finally 3) crimes are less criminal if they're ultimately good for you.
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