Thursday, August 9, 2012

Carbo Loading

I will start by saying this is clearly entirely my fault. I should have known that something I've done hundreds of times with no ill result would naturally be a problem this one time. I hang my head with the shame of it all.

On Second thought- Damn those damn dogs.

As usual, here's the back story-
Every once in a while we get a loaf of "fancy" bread from the grocery store bakery. It's a focaccia with cheese and olives, and it tastes amazingly good with oil & vinegar. We don't get it often because it's a loaf of bread that we don't really NEED, but sometimes you gotta splurge a little.

Since life has been stressful the past few weeks, and I had to run into the store after work to grab a couple of things last night, I grabbed a loaf of the "fancy" bread as a treat. Last night we both enjoyed some of it and I am gonna go out on a limb (speaking for my husband wise) and say we were eager to enjoy it again over the next few nights. I wrapped it up in its plastic and a towel to keep it fresh, on the counter as I have done 100 times over.

Who can see this coming?
You over there?

Chapter 2 starts this morning
I woke up with the assistance of Piper- she does enjoy standing up on the side of the bed RIGHT as my alarm goes off to make doubly sure I've heard it. That way I'll get out of bed faster and take her on the walk.... oh and her brother too....
Well, I got up, used the bathroom to wake up a bit, and when I opened the door, Piper was laying on the floor, and immediately rolled over and gave me her tummy for a rub. I thought to myself- Wow, she's being really great this morning, normally she bouncing and running and making me insane. Then Odie came over and snuggled up too, so they both got a few moments of petting they don't normally get.

Normally, they are running around like their butts are on fire eager to be taken out (even though they have a door to the backyard and can go out any time they want). There is a lot of bouncing and some moments of me being punched in the butt by Piper's enthusiasm. Normally, they are high energy and all over the place and generally making me want to get back in bed.

The lack of normal behavior should have been my clue something was up. The fact that I missed that can only be blamed on groggy brain having just woken up.

I walked into the main room to get the gear for our walk, when I stumbled onto an empty plastic bag. A quick glance over and I saw a towel on the floor as well.

Yeap, the plastic bag and towel that had contained 3/4 of a loaf of 'Fancy' bread.

Neither had so much as a crumb of bread in it at this moment.

I'm pretty sure the sound that came out of me at this point sounded something like: "WHATTHEHELLDIDYOUPEOPLEDO? WHYDOYOUKEEPDOINGTHIS? WHATISWRONGWITHYOU?"
None of that was useful, of course. Both dogs hit the floor, ears back, faces full of guilt as I cleaned up.

Note the "please don't kill me" tails that are wagging.....

After some deep cleansing breaths I got them geared up and out on their walk. Normally they get some treats as part of our daily training that happens during walks. (yes at 6:30 in the morning I'm doing training. Every day. Every damn day. Yep.) No treats today- verbal praise only. The last thing either one of these miscreants needed was more caloric intake.

As I worked through my frustration while we walked, I had to remind myself of the plus side of my criminals. Things like "no one has peed in the house anytime recently." and "At least it wasn't anything toxic this time" or "They are really sweet when they are sleeping together on the pillow". By the time we got home I had worked through the worst of my desire to bonk them on the head.

For the next hour or so of me getting ready for work, eating and watching the news Both dogs avoided me. Piper went to sleep under the table- which she never does- and Odie hid on this couch. I was thinking "aw, poor kiddos think I'm still mad" but then while I was driving to work I realized- they were in a carb induced food coma!

They had eaten an ENTIRE loaf of bread (essentially) between the 2 of them- it would be like eating a giant bowl of pasta for a person. Then they'd walked on a pretty warm morning with few breaks (I was determined to make them work a bit) and they were totally zonked out. If they had been people they would have unbuttoned their pants and said things like "ugh... why did I do that?"

For the amount they ate, I should really make them run a marathon when I get home- they'll certainly have enough carbohydrates in their systems to sustain the energy expense.

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