Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A change of pace

So, Clearly the crimes have settled down- thus the almost total lack of updates here.
I wouldn't go so far as to say the kids are cured of their criminal ways, but they do seem to be handling rehab pretty well.

This got me thinking- whats the point of the bitter rants that caused this blog if there are no crimes to report?

Then I got to thinking- I've been volunteering at the local animal shelter- dealing with the "inmates" there, and doing my part to get them all placed in new homes. Maybe those are my new criminals. I can use this as a forum to talk about the trials and tribulations of being a volunteer working with the dogs and humans (which is really the hard part) and trying to make matches between the 2.

So there might be a little adjustment period- which shouldn't be a shock considering how long its taken me to even come to this realization. Maybe I'll reformat things to make it even more obvious that a change has blown thru. After all that happens- and after Thanksgiving, 'cause people, I got plans!- you can look forward to a new chapter in the Crimes of the Paws 'book'

I hope this sounds good to everyone. 'Cause it sounds good to me.
Now can I live up to my own hype?

Only time will tell.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

  1. There is no way thing 1 and thing 2 are rehabilitated. Noooo waaaaay. And I approve this shift with the blog's direction. All PawCrimes should be mentioned here. Like the crime blotter.
