Friday, January 14, 2011

No crime, just cute

OK, so this isn't a crime, it's not even really that funny a story, but it is evidence that every once in a while my dogs are just stinkin' cute.
(thus why they are still in my house)

I was going into work late this morning, due to an appt I had, so I decided to hit the road and do a decent length run. It's become something of a tradition that after a run like that I sit outside in the back yard with the dogs while I cool down. I stretch a bit, then sit on the stoop and watch them run around. It's a great opportunity for my heart rate to come down while spending time with them.

When we first got Odie, I'd sit outside with him every morning, so he's gotten really good at knowing just how to come over and sit in my lap. We have a very definite position when he's in the mood, and he'll push on me until I get into it.

This morning, Odie bolted the moment I opened the door- there were squirrels to yell at and leaves to overturn and sniff. Piper on the other hand was practically glued to my side. It's like she thought I'd left them forever and was just SO HAPPY I came home again.

So I sat on the stoop, and she tried her best to get all 4o lbs of her self into my lap. She got very perturbed when she kept falling off, so I finally shoved her into a position where her front half was across my legs and her back half was on the stoop next to me. She then did me the great honor of trying to clean all the sweat off of me with her super stinky licks. *eye roll* Thanks sweetie, but you can stop that now.

So there we sat; sweaty, gross me, and a 40 lb curly mop of a dog for about 8 minutes. At this point, Odie had stopped his squirrel hunt and noticed the cuddling that was going on. From about mid way down the yard, he full out sprinted over to us, shuddered to a halt next to me, then slowly, and methodically, climbed into my lap, shoving his sister aside inch by inch.

This went on for probably a full minute, with Odie slowly wiggling his way into his favorite position on my lap, and Piper fighting for her space as well. Throughout it all, I just sorta watched this land warfare and waited to see what would happen. The end result was Odie on my lap in "his" spot, with Pipers legs under him, and head resting on top of him.

So frickin cute!!

We sat like that with them watching squirrels and birds pass by like some bizarro two headed creature, and me letting my heart rate come down, for about 10 minutes. I honestly could have stayed there all day if I wasn't so gross and smelly. It was just so nice to have them both so calm and relaxed, not fighting (although I do find their fights to be the height of good comedy) and just chillin' out with me. I would kill to have a picture of that moment, but alas, I just have to try my best to remember it.

See- I'm not so harsh with them all the time. Just when they're being crazy. The rest of the time I adore the mental patients.


  1. There's a crime here ... Heart Larceny! That's stinkin' cute.

  2. :)

    Who knew they could be so well behaved?!
